ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst. ist die Mastodon-Instanz für Mitglieder der Hostsharing eG. Sie wird seit 2018 von der Hosting-Genossenschaft betrieben.


aktive Profile

It's just amazing how unhinged people are. All of them. perhaps I should let loose a bit too. I wonder what that would even mean? I'm not sure I know how to be crazy. Or maybe I'm crazy and just don't know it. Maybe I should jump into a bathtub filled with cheese puffs. This requires some additional thought.
Detlev Zundel

@highvoltage Reminds me of this quote in my signature pool:

When you loosen yourself from all the obvious delusions - religion, ideology, Communism - you're still left with the myth of your own goodness. Which is the final delusion.
-- Philip Roth